Our 8th podcast went live this Sunday night and I feel just as excited as if it was the first. Starting a passion project with my dear friend, and experiencing the joy and transformation of the flow of creativity, giving, letting go of perfectionism, pure passion, fun conversations, depthful thoughts, and receiving feedback has been so profound.
We've heard things from listeners so far like:
"I was going to get divorced because I saw no way out of the way we were communicating, and then we listened to your podcast about nonviolent/compassionate communication and we are still together, working things out"
"I was in tears and experienced a full embodied shifting into a new dimension of presence after listening to the podcast, the possibility of enough, it's still with me a month later"
"I feel so much more forgiveness for myself but also true apology to my children after listening to the possibility in perspective. It really helped me see myself clearly while still not shaming myself:
"The shift from recognizing that there can be one conversation happening "under the table" and another one "on top of the table" has changed my life"
"Something about the frequency of listening to all the episodes of the possibility in the universe has been softening my defense mechanisms and giving me so many gifts I didn't even know I needed. Even when I listen before bed and wake up with many new insights and an expanded mind, and my body also feels more spacious"
I wanted to share this to let you know if you haven't seen yet, that this podcast is available on all podcast platforms. It's completely free of charge and an opportunity for you to receive if you choose to! Some of the podcasts include poetry, meditations, developmental information, therapeutic understanding and personal stories.
Get in on our weekly phone call camaraderie!
Also- comment here if you would love to attend a live podcast event in honor of our 10th episode!
Photos for new podcast cover by @astrangers.story