When we are not resourced, we regress developmentally.
Q: What does it mean to be resourced? A: To have our basic physical needs met: food, sleep, water, (movement)
When our bodies needs aren't met, and we are not well resourced, it's really difficult for our lives to flow. Abundance, relationships, personal growth- these are all needs that are secondary to the primary needs that our bodies have in order to function.
We can have incredible therapists, coaches, healers, self care, friendships, business plans. We can do all sorts of sophisticated healing and care for ourselves- but if our basic needs are not taken care of, we regress developmentally to an age that is very young and quite compromised. We can present and engage as adults, but inside we will often feel lost, little, exhausted or dysregulated.
Our sudden dysregulation, anxiety, or depression can be quite confusing because we feel like we have many resources and support, (we might ask "why is my support not working, why is nothing sticking?") The answer is simply that it is really difficult for our mind, soul, heart, and social/emotional parts of us to be supported and fed if our bodies are not resourced and taken care of first.
The tricky thing about resourcing is that when we are already not sufficiently resourced, it's really difficult to resource.
(Can a hungry, overtired 3 year old cook themselves dinner, self regulate, and put themselves to bed?)
How do we learn to resource consistently?
By orienting back to the body. Slowly moving back into simplicity with the body, slowly learning to take care of the most important parts of us the vessel that houses our soul/ Self). This kind of care is more quiet and "mundane feeling" than extra pampering or even practices like journaling, meditation, or the like. Though simple and basic, this kind of care is the true secret of what allows our dreams. desires. manifestations, and aliveness to actually stick, and stay! This is the true foundation of nervous system work, and of creating safety in the body.
There is a concept in Kabbalah called "Ohr Bli Keli' which is translated into: "light without a vessel." The teaching explains that we can acquire and create so much consciousness, so many dreams, bring so many shadows into the light in our lifetime- yet if we don't have a vessel, a container for the light to be inside of- the light without a vessel becomes chaos.
We all have a container, a vessel- it is our bodies. Let us learn to take care of this container, so that it isn't leaky or sick, but optimized, organized, healthy, and vibrant. This is the most precious gift we can give ourselves- a body that is cared for and attuned to in the most real of ways.
Here is to Living, inside of our own lives. I bless us all with the inner resources to truly resource our insides.
*One of the things I've learned deeply when learning about the nervous system, and child development over the years is that our developmental age matters. When we are not resourced, we essentially emmesh with the child inside of us. We become the child inside of us. When fused and enmeshed, it's really hard to do our adult job which is not to Be the child, but to Be WITH the child inside of us.
I desire for all of us with the inner resources to meet our needs, and I bless us to all have our needs met.
Contact me here to inquire about my upcoming 4-part course, Resourced.