Prayers for the healing human:
God, please soften the defenses around my heart, so I can see the love that is already all around me and forgive and heal with more ease.
God, please soften my vision, so I can see myself and the world clearly, with kind eyes.
God, please soften my perception, so I can perceive through a clear mind.
God, please soften my nature to be more receptive, so I can receive both gifts and reflections with grace.
God, please soften me into allowing, so I can really be with what IS, when it is.
God, please help me soften my sense of urgency, so I can live in flow and ease.
God, please help me soften into trust, so I can serve you with Faith
God, please soften my breath, so it can reach all parts of me.
God, please soften my defenses, so I can see my shadows clearly and bring them to light.
God, please soften me into receiving, so I can take in all the blessings all around me.
God, please soften me into being a conduit for your love.
Therapists, healers, practitioners, leaders, creatives, business owners:
When you “bring God to work”, the impact of your work becomes unparalleled, blessed, and incredibly successful.
Praying works. Asking God, the Creator, Hashem for support is the number one way to bring in, open our eyes and create the most blessing, success, presence and joy in our lives. Here are some prayers to say: which ones resonate? Are there some you already say? Maybe there is something here that you haven't thought of asking for support with? God is the most successful softener of defenses and can truly help us soften into who we really are: so we are free to create, to receive and to be free!
We aren't alone. And when we know that in our bones and nervous systems, we are open and available to receive all the possibilities in the universe.