The Retreat:Â May 2025
A powerful space designed for integrated healing and alchemy on the level of body, spirit and psyche.
A deep space for those ready to embody the essence of who they truly are, to be in their fullest aliveness and expression and have deeper abundance and connection for themselves and everyone around them.
An advanced therapeutic weekend that allows you to move through your core material that may be keeping you stuck, stagnant, or away from present moment aliveness and relating.
Facilitated by Rivky Gross, MSW

Thank you for your holding, your witnessing, your love, and your dreams that gave us all so much. Thank you for believing in your dreams and bringing us into them. And thank you for going all in on life, thank you for this incredible experience of the Retreat -ED
Grappling with how to describe this life altering experience and how grateful I am for it. Beginning with Hashem’s divine plan to get me there just a few days before and ending with going home a different version of myself. The Weekend Retreat is a place where I blossomed and bloomed. Where I could dive deep within, to a breaking point and come back up for air on my own while being witnessed and supported by the perfectly curated special group of women alongside me. Souls intertwined forever. Souls who were ready to take the masks off and bask in the hard and also awesome parts of ourselves. The magic truly happens in the resonance field, the knowing and learning from each other. Also with reverence, how with deep respect we can uplift one another and it’s so well deserved on a soul level. To say THANK YOU! to Rivky will not suffice, I am forever grateful to you for this time together. I wish for everyone to get to have this experience and be received in the ways we were always meant to be. -TW
What a relief to give to myself. To call it what it actually is -- and to set it free, to set myself free. What is it like to walk in this world, undefended. To shine in the light that is me, to fully acknowledge my pain, to forgive myself whole-heartedly, to trust my soul's yearning, and to lead with my conscience. Knowing if I am not for me, who will be?Â
I reclaim my seat in the center of my wisdom. In humility, with the deepest gratitude for who I have become in the pain of the contractions that birthed my own possibility. For me. For you. For the Universe.Â
To feel empty of all that was not serving, and to feel full of love. This is my life!! A thousand year old promise. -IN
I sat in a circle of souls, Deliberately chosen, Ministering Angels. Each on with their very own mission from God. Each one holding the medicine to cure themselves. And we all lifted each other up, higher and higher. Bearing witness to our souls, as I bear witness to my own soul. For you. For me. For the Universe. Together we are the Possibility. We pour the medicine. From one heart into the other. Giving and receiving. In holiness. In divinity. In the manifestation of Gods will. Smashing the vessels to release the light. Shaking out the vessels to release the light. Shaking out the suffering. Releasing our grip. And softening into the truth. This is the thousand year old promise. This is the gift. This is the blessing. May your mind me full of love. And your heart full of wisdom. Amen!-GS
My heart feels expansive, I’m feeling more open, more spacious, more in tune, and fully excited for the possibility in the universe
And like I miss all of you-CH
Infinity in form,
My layers keep unfolding and deepening. I can now grasp and sense infinity in form.-SS
Trying to put words to an experience that embodies resonance, soul connections, reverence, release, shedding, aliveness, holiness, honest, and healing of the deepest kind.-LB
Another day of just sheer wonderment at the most grounded, yet otherworldly three days.-AF
My heart feels expansive, I’m feeling more open, more spacious, more in tune, and fully excited for the possibility in the universe
And like I miss all of you.-EK
Feels like we were in a secret garden.
I just need to tell you that watching your instagram stories are keeping me in my frequency. I just want to gush all over them. I want people to know, this stuff is real and attainable.
Going into the second shabbos after leaving your magical, mystical, gorgeous, knowing, and brave bubble and just know that the bubble lives within. Thank you for the gift of more. It was more than I hoped for and expected, yet I want more! -BC
Hi Rivky, I just want to share with you that I am reflecting now how one of my dreams beyond imagination you had us reply on the group chat before the retreat was "to be so comfortable in my own skin that I will be comfortable around my biological family. I called my mother today and shared that I was on a retreat to "heal my heart" something that isn't really my family's style. I am so comfortable with my heart so wide open that I shared and loved and connected on levels I had only dared to dream about. Thank you again for helping me actualizing dreams. -RB
Here are some words from my heart about the weekend treat:
I learned about me
I learned about you
I learned about me through you
I learned about you through me
I learned about resonance
That we are the same
And loved
My heart is so full!! -MS
As I settle back into life. I just want to say a deeper THANK YOU!
It’s easier to breathe, easier to be. Rivky, thank you thank you thank you! -JV
I just wanted to share two of my friends that went to your retreat (I met them at a diff retreat) and they were blown away!! They had such a magical time they said u are so beyond talented (not the right word really) and it was so beyond words! And Chani was an incredible cook and member and they could not stop talking and sharing! I'm really hoping to figure out how to make it work for me to come next time and just wanted to share their awe and amazing and how good they are still feeling-DD
Feel like sharing with you all, I just called my mother from the place in my heart of "I just called to say I love you" ...... we haven't been in touch recently to the extent that I desired. You all gave me so much strength with your courage, honesty, and humility!! I want to thank you all again for every part of yourself that you each shared with me!! I love you! -MC
What I loved so so so much about Rivky your retreat was how much of a release it was for my body and the immense amount of gratitude i've been able to tap into this week for all of you, which in turn helped me feel more love towards my creator and trust that just like he/she connected me to all of you. My journey will always be filled with connection and I'll never be alone, even through the big "confusing" feeling of life. -CL
So grateful to you Rivky! You have taught me how to expand my capacity with so much love and compassion, for myself and others. -SN
I had the privilege of joining Rivky at her advanced therapeutic Weekend Retreat. Where I opened doors into the honesty of my soul and became changed human because of it! -Chani Frankel
Thank you Rivky for allowing me to show up in all the ways that I love to give!! -PM
I’m in joyous bubbling over geyser mode. Happy bubbles flowing. -WP
This weekend retreat was truly an incredible gift. It was a weekend immersed in Hashem's blessing and glory, with Rivky as his ministering angelic guide. Each of us gifted with the shifts and expansion necessary for our personal journeys and growth. Thank you Hashem for placing me exactly where I belong, and along side the stunning, supportive, feminine souls with me. -MS
I signed up for this retreat to gap the feeling of having “ two worlds” and feel as one with myself. I was hoping to gain a sense of true comfortability in my skin.
What I gained was beyond what I asked for. The depth of every human's heart is so deep that we don’t even know to wish for that. I gained a new depth of love and compassion that feels as though nothing can come between myself and my heart. I feel so safe within myself, deeply rooted in my being. And embracing all and anything that may come my way. -LJ
I signed up for this retreat because I was ready to learn to heal, feel more to let go, and not to be so alone in my struggles. It helped me open up and feel unashamed so I could move on for a better life. This experience gave all of it to me in every way and so much more. I take all the teachings with me every day and continue to grow from it. -SC
I’ve taken ayahuasca and other plant medicines before. Those experiences did not come close to the depth, intensity and integration and healing I received on your retreat. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am renewed. This was the most insane (in a good way) experience in my Life.-MB
This retreat was the best eye-opening experience of my life! -KR
I am a changed being. -MA
This intimate intensive retreat was everything my soul was yearning for. I stepped in on that blissful Friday morning with a tightness around my chest as I felt this would be a vulnerable somewhat uncomfortable beginning.
It was everything but that. I was welcomed and enveloped in Rivky's loving and gracious energy with gentle compassion to "exactly what I'm actually feeling". She took us on a three day journey with so much compassion to every part of our souls that only went deeper and deeper. There was time to integrate the work between sessions, sitting around magnificently set tables for meals, fun and laughter. Every second spent in-this inclusive space stretched my nervous system, released stuck emotions from my body and heart and expanded my heart to depths I did not know I own. They say there is nothing like a first impression, for this one, I'm actually intrigued for a second one. -GR
One week later from when my soul shift began. I can't explain it, I just feel a calm, a sense of knowing. There haven't been any life altering changes in a way that people in my life might look for sometimes, it's a real internal shift and a wild ride. Thank you hashem and I'm so happy that you and I have chosen to do this life together, just wowwwwww. Thank you, I love you, wishing you a happy shabbos. -SB
I can also profoundly resonate with the 'telling all that are willing to listen" because so have I. I feel so profoundly transformed and realigned that it feels weird not to tell the people I interact with that I'm not the same me I was last week -RN
My heart is calm and steady. I’m observing whatever is in front of me with a higher frequency/level of observations. I feel fearless, and it feels SO good.-HM
Rivky there is no process like this on earth, I am amazing watching the changes in my system.
. -AS
Gifted from G-d
Shared her world with us
Shoulders strong like
mountains fearlessly holding our emotions
Heart as wide as the river
Expanding our self love
Eyes like the moon
mirroring connection
Hands like flowers
helping us heal
Mouth like thunder
ripping our defenses
Feel like a tree
Rooted and stretching us upward
A new world opened for us.
Rivky- May you be blessed from Above to expand your gifts and help the whole world heal with love! -JS
I have been feeling weightless and free. I had therapy with a loved one today and the energy shift was so clearly evident, in what we were able to transcend, without my defenses present. I am so grateful for the space and witnessing you each held for me!!
I was able to give, to stay, to listen, to receive, and to hold my own in such a conscious, honest and healthy way…
And it feels AMAZING!!
Rivky, thank you for being such a stunning, humble conduit for Hashem and for embodying the energy of Aaron Hakohen who sought beach and ran after peace.
Having peace within is what is allowing for the possibility for shalom to unfurl in my life, in real time!!. -YD
Hello to my soul sisters! It's wild to consider that it's been only 1 week since our time together. The transformation that I am living with now, makes it feel like, what came before, was lifetimes ago!! My mind is so full of love, and my heart so full of wisdom. I have been talking about my experience with ANYONE and EVERYONE willing to listen. My desire is that all people seeking for the truth know that this possibility exists, and that they can gift it to themselves!! And my desire is that everyone has the opportunity to experience true inner peace and real integrated healing. Wishing you all a most joyous and peaceful Shabbat, filled with love, presence and gratitude!! Sending BIG warm hugs to EACH of you! With deep reverence -SM
I now understand why it was necessary for David to use poetry to capture the essence of his own experience with Hashem. The words of this realm limit the expression of what is sensed in soul frequency and resonance, in what we were chosen to experience together in our unique constellation.
I woke up early this morning
Overflowing with gratitude
For Hashem, for Rivky, for each of you. -RB
Hello my dear friends,
Feeling so so grateful today
What a beautiful day of settling into my body, deep resonance, and processing.
I woke up feeling lighter, loved, loving, and energized.
Hugged my kids tighter, danced through my house and moved with deeper intention
In a space of possibility in the universe
A quantum leap
I learned and grew so much from all of your beautiful souls, thank you for sharing in this journey -EG
Dearest Rivky, I'm wondering where to begin or how to express all that's so loaded inside of me. So I'll just shut my mind and let my heart speak. Waking up this morning and taking in all that energy that was freely floating around in our beautiful space for three days I came to realize that I breathed in and experienced so much more than what I felt while I was in "the bubble" of your divine home. Simply Being around honesty integrity and realism for three uninterrupted days shifted and lit up something deeply inside of me I didn't know was there in me!! The work we did which you so masterfully and heartfully facilitated is more than words can describe! Each and every single session and process gently and deeply opened channels inside of me and sort of reached down to my soul. Sharing a space with you and everyone who was a part of this 'piece of gan Eden' was truly a divine blessing that feels simply godly... I can only try to thank you and deeply share with you my utmost appreciation and love for your beloved beautiful you!! From the depths of my soul, thank you! -RT
Today I have a lot more time to integrate and I woke up feeling this deep warmth rising inside myself. A deep resonance and reverence for the life I have and everything around me. The days I have to relax and go inwards and my ability to find inner peace and joy in a (seemingly) chaotic world. The biggest piece resonating with me right now is how we stripped away all external factors to get to this deep sense of love inside. It's the light and love we got to experience deep inside (with strangers!) that made me believe in this work. How potent and powerful is the ability to tap into our souls' pureness and Hashem's love for us and inside of all us all the time!! It's always there, it always has been, and always will be, for all of us. Thank you Rivky, my appreciation knows no bounds. -GA
It was so wonderful to see and feel you all tonight. In deep gratitude for the beautiful gift of this magical experience.-MV
Grateful for this space and for you! Thank you Hashem for the honor of being aware and seeking this resonance for myself and for each of you who have found it as well!! We are the promise and we are the blessing!!-AS
My blessing for all of us is that the love and light and clarity only deepens within each of us. Life keeps shifting to higher and higher frequencies as we tap into the deepest possibility in the Universe. Can we all energetically hold hands forever and stay in the frequency? I don't ever want to let go...-KH
It is not often that I feel at a loss for words. I am overcome by humility, awe, reverence, and a new flavor of love that is swollen in my heart. To BE with all of you was to experience the MAGIC that is Hashem!! Your willingness, vulnerability, honesty, advocacy, courage, tears and laughter brought me into a new space of my soul, a connection that I have never experienced before....!! A frequency of resonance that I am so deeply grateful to now embody. I treasure each of you and the experience we were privileged and chosen by Hashem to share. I learned so much from each of you, by witnessing, listening, sensing, being with, and in your warm loving hugs. Thank you for seeing me, for receiving me, for allowing me to give from my heart, for your patience, your compassion, and your resonance. I am walking in my life now feeling pursed and chosen by Hashem, knowing that I was here because he desired it for me, and he guided me to receive this gift of our togetherness led by his ministering angel Rivky. I feel gratitude pouring out of me and trailing wherever I walk, I see it in the way my children are looking at me in the way my husband is connecting to me, in the way my friends are hearing me differently. Wow!!! That's what's coming through. Just... WOW!!! I love each of you. So excited to have you as my soul friends. Sending big warm hugs!! -Chani Frankel
This intimate intensive retreat was everything my soul was yearning for. I stepped in on that blissful Friday morning with a tightness around my chest as I felt this would be a vulnerable somewhat uncomfortable beginning. It was everything but that. I was welcomed and enveloped in Rivky's loving and gracious energy with gentle compassion to "exactly what I'm actually feeling". She took us on a three day journey with so much compassion to every part of our souls that only went deeper and deeper. There was time to integrate the work between sessions, sitting around magnificently set tables for meals, fun and laughter. Every second spent in-this inclusive space stretched my nervous system, released stuck emotions from my body and heart and expanded my heart to depths I did not know I own. They say there is nothing like a first impression, for this one, I'm actually intriued for a second one... -MD
I feel like as time goes on, I’m integrating deeper and deeper! What a trip!-JK
Crazy things have been shifting for me since The Retreat!-DV
After the Weekend Retreat, I'm living in the frequency of Miracles! -IF
I love this space. This frequency makes me feel like Mashiach is coming -AB