In this 4-month online course/ group container we will explore and experience real, sustainable, integrated, gentle, and organizing change on the level of the soma, psyche, and spirit.

Do you know so much so much about inner growth and healing and still feel in your heart that something is "missing"?
This course targets that feeling.
In this course we combine the simple with the magical, somatic work with energetics, the mind, and the soul. We will get to the root of what's going on inside, so you can put down your shovel and stop digging.
You will leave this group with the ability to see the world through the lens of your heart- having created enough safety in your body and nervous system, quieted your mind, and re-wired old subconscious patterns and programs.
What we need now, more than ever is to live in "The Way of the Heart."
This course includes a hybrid of nervous system work, subconscious re-patterning, developmental work, energy work, teachings, and embodiment practices.

Because of The Way of the Heart, my relationships have completely transformed. I'm a new person- but in the most gentle, integrated way!
BL, The Way of the Heart Participant
I'm so happy I made the decision to take this course. My nervous system has shifted. Thank you.
RF, The Way of the Heart Participant
I've never felt so whole.
LT, The Way of the Heart Participant
My heart feels like it came home.
CW, The Way of the Heart Participant
I don't identify with having depression anymore due to this course.
R, The Way of the Heart Participant
The Way of the Heart Waitlist
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Thanks so much for this amazing group!
This container made me feel so safe and seen thanks for your tremendous brilliance and knowledge self compassion and intelligence of knowing how to hold space for others. I gained so much.You are truly gifted! Knowing how to hold space is not an easy job and you do it so well!!
This work made a very big impact on my life and journey.I felt I was so seen. I'm so happy I joined your group!!!!
R, The Way of the Heart Participant
I feel so held in this container group by you, both in love and in accountability. Both so seen and supported and also feeling known every step of the way. It's not a common experience for me and I don't take it for granted. I was thinking how I never want it to end! I've been part of many many many programs and offerings in my life and never really felt like, 'Okay, this is it,' like I do now!
LW, The Way of the Heart Participant
I came into the Way of the Heart course looking for a gentle and supportive way back into my own journey, and fast forward 4 months, it proved to be that and MORE.
The space that Rivky created was supportive, honest, real, safe, connecting and so beautiful.
We covered so many important topics and built on one another which allowed for such gentle ways to grow and process.
I'm blown away by Rivkys ability to have shown up for each one of us and her attunement to us as individuals needs and the group as a whole.
CG, The Way of the Heart Participant
Rivky tricked us when she advertised as a course.
The Way of the Heart wasn't a course that you acquire change by learning material. It was an intense healing journey.
Tuesday mornings were a treat to get on with Rivky teaching, guiding and interacting lovingly to the heart until I learnt to do that for myself with so much awareness of how the heart works and wants to be treated.
The shift was slow, gentle and subtle like a slow drip IV but the effects are real and lasting.
Thank You Rivky!
ES, The Way of the Heart Participant
I'm still feeling all the shifts and amazing effects from the the Way of the Heart workshop. I was in a pretty miserable place emotionally when I signed up, I was hoping for some change but I honestly was afraid to keep my hopes up. I was blown away.
First of all, I instantly felt the complete safety of the container, which allowed me to be vulnerable.
We were all so completely and fully held, seen and felt, which in itself provides a deep feeling of safety.
Additionally, I learned so many new ideas of why we have certain behaviors and old faulty beliefs that really hinder us from being fully present and alive in this world. All this helped me to be able to separate myself from my old stories and get out living in my head.
The classes were so clear and on target and the embodiment practices were amazing!! The way you were able to help us get into our bodies and feel our emotions was something I have never experienced before.
I feel a deeper sense of of feeling safe and grounded has replaced my usual anxiety and dissociation, and I know the course/ group was the impetus to make it happen.
Thank you Rivky, you change people's lives.
CL, The Way of the Heart Participant
The Way of the Heart was a truly magical experience. Each week we met together and we did the thing we fear most-we went deep into our bodies and held and loved and witnessed what was there and held it in grace and compassion with Rivky's loving energy.
Rivky helped us see who we are, held a vision for what was possible, and guided us into stepping into our fullest selves. In this journey I gained a deeper appreciation for the subtleties of what my heart and body is here to show me, and learned to appreciate the fullness of the human experience- the beautiful, the hard, the tender and the challenging.
I learned how to be with it all and become more beautifully human for myself and for those around me. Thank you, Rivky, for showing us how, for your most beautiful presence and energy that is at once loving, yet won't stand for our bullshit. So much love and appreciation for you.
DL, The Way of the Heart Participant
I have to say I never felt so held and so safe while being so vulnerable. I feel real shifts inside of my body, psyche, and nervous system. I feel new. Thank you to Rivky and this course for being a catalyst for that.
RT, The Way of the Heart Participant